SC Fastest Growing Companies™

Most of The Capital Corporation’s clients are headquartered east of the Mississippi. With that said, it remains a priority for us to support the local business community within our home state of South Carolina. Accordingly, The Capital Corporation is the proud presenter of South Carolina's Fastest Growing Companies Awards Program, founded as a way to honor the state's most dynamic businesses and their contributions to our state's economic vitality.
SC Fastest Growing Companies®, the prestigious annual program that recognizes the achievements of South Carolina’s top-performing private and publicly owned companies, has evolved into the Palmetto State's most sought-after recognition for rapidly growing organizations. For the last two decades this celebrated program has honored the state’s most dynamic companies for their numerous contributions to South Carolina’s economy.
All told, over 1,000 different fast-growing businesses have been nominated for honors, and more than 300 different organizations have been recognized since the program’s inception. Today, the awards program is now known as TOP50. This program aims to pay tribute to a diverse and exceptional array of businesses, as showcased through last year’s winners. The winners represent a broad spectrum of industries and categories, including, developers, retail, financial and banking services, medical centers, technology, toys and construction.
To be eligible for honors, nominees must complete the nomination form, available online at and provide three years of revenue/asset information, employment information and basic company information. Nominations may be submitted by companies directly or by third parties, and will be evaluated for completeness and ranked by a review panel from The Capital Corporation based solely on responses received. There are no costs to participate in this program. There is no nomination fee for the TOP50.
Eligible companies must:
- Be headquartered in South Carolina.
- Have been in operation for at least three full fiscal years.
- Have reported revenues of at least $3 million ($50 million in assets for financial institutions) in the most recent reported year.
Company rankings will be based on the three most recently completed fiscal years at the time of nomination. Nominees are judged on financial growth and employee growth over the most recent three-year period. Members of the sponsoring organizations make virtual visits to the nominees to meet with company executives and learn about their business successes and challenges. Financial information provided is used for ranking purposes only and is held in confidence by The Capital Corporation.
SC Fastest Growing Companies™

Most of The Capital Corporation’s clients are headquartered east of the Mississippi. With that said, it remains a priority for us to support the local business community within our home state of South Carolina. Accordingly, The Capital Corporation is the proud presenter of South Carolina's Fastest Growing Companies Awards Program, founded as a way to honor the state's most dynamic businesses and their contributions to our state's economic vitality.
SC Fastest Growing Companies®, the prestigious annual program that recognizes the achievements of South Carolina’s top-performing private and publicly owned companies, has evolved into the Palmetto State's most sought-after recognition for rapidly growing organizations. For the last decade this celebrated program has honored the state’s most dynamic companies for their numerous contributions to South Carolina’s economy.
All told, over 1,000 different fast-growing businesses have been nominated for honors, and more than 300 different organizations have been in the TOP25 since the program’s inception. And starting in 2021, the awards program is now known as TOP50. This program aims to pay tribute to a diverse and exceptional array of businesses, as showcased through last year’s winners. The winners represent a broad spectrum of industries and categories, including, developers, retail, financial and banking services, medical centers, technology, toys and construction.
To be eligible for honors, nominees must complete the nomination form, available online at and provide three years of revenue/asset information, employment information and basic company information. Nominations may be submitted by companies directly or by third parties, and will be evaluated for completeness and ranked by a review panel from The Capital Corporation based solely on responses received. There are no costs to participate in this program. There is no nomination fee for the TOP50.
Eligible companies must:
- Be headquartered in South Carolina.
- Have been in operation for at least three full fiscal years.
- Have reported revenues of at least $3 million ($50 million in assets for financial institutions) in the most recent reported year.
Company rankings will be based on the three most recently completed fiscal years at the time of nomination. Nominees are judged on financial growth and employee growth over the three-year period 2019, 2020, and 2021. Members of the sponsoring organizations make site visits to the nominees to meet with company executives and view the facilities and office. Financial information provided is used for ranking purposes only and is held in confidence by The Capital Corporation.
Deadline for Nominations is April 30, 2022
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